City of Valley recently issued the following announcement.
The Valley City Council held its second regular scheduled meeting of April on Monday, April 27, 2020, in the Council Chambers at Valley City Hall.
Mayor Riley called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. The invocation was given by Councilmember Jimmy Gilson and Councilmember Jim Clark led the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilmembers Marquetta Madden and Cassie Carlisle were absent.
The April 27th financial audit report for the city was given as follows:
- Checking account previous balance........................... $5,017,790.84
- Total deposits all funds................................................. $865,694.15
- Total expenditures all funds.......................................... $251,938.62
- Total on-hand all funds.................................................. $5,631,546.37
- Approved the minutes from the April 14th city council meeting
- Accepted the April 27th financial audit report
- Resolution 2020-045R declaring property at 1517 56th Street a public nuisance and authorized the abatement of the nuisance
Council adjourned at 6:11 PM.
Original source can be found here.