Mayor Ron Anders Jr. | Mayor Ron Anders Jr. Official website
Mayor Ron Anders Jr. | Mayor Ron Anders Jr. Official website
AUBURN, Ala.- The Auburn City Council took the following actions at its first regular meeting in July:
Approved a contract for the FY23 Streets Resurfacing Project. The council approved a contract for the resurfacing of City streets in the amount of up to $2.75 million for one year, with the option to renew the contract for two consecutive one-year terms. The City identified priority streets for its Fiscal Year 2023 Streets Resurfacing Project based on data collected during a comprehensive citywide street assessment. The assessment allowed the City to develop a pavement condition index for each street so that segments could be scored and distributed within a 5-year resurfacing plan based on severity and risk of failure. The goal of this annual resurfacing initiative is to keep Auburn’s streets in good repair for as long as possible and repave streets before they begin to deteriorate.
Authorized a contract for a classroom building at the new Public Safety Training Facility. The council authorized a $3.93 million contract for the construction of phase two of the Public Safety Training Facility, which includes the Classroom Building Project. The building will include three training classrooms with audiovisual capabilities, a kitchenette, overhead doors and operable partition supports as well as site lighting and two apparatus bays.
Approved the purchase of additional garbage and recycling carts. The council approved two separate contracts for the purchase of additional garbage and recycling curbside carts. This will add 624 roll-out carts for garbage collection as well as for recycling collection, with a cost of $39,557.92 for the green garbage carts and $40,805.92 for the blue recycling carts. The new carts will be used as replacements for those that are damaged beyond repair as well as for new residents.
The council also:
- Approved a contract with Alabama Power Company in the amount of $31,689.61 for lighting services along Will Buechner Parkway.
- Authorized the purchase of 10 in-car cameras, 20 body-worn cameras and 20 tasers for the Auburn Police Department in the amount of $257,779.10.
- Appointed two individuals to the Auburn Downtown Redevelopment Authority and one individual to the Indian Pines Public Park Authority.
Original source can be found here